All about (the not so evil) Carbohydrates

The number one nutrition topic I hear among group fitness instructors, PTs and participants is that of carbohydrates. It seems everyone has an opinion about how much or how little needs to be consumed to maintain optimal nutrition. Discussions about carbohydrates...

Burn Baby Burn

So…you wanna lose weight the easy way? I think every Personal Trainer and Health Care professional in the world loves it when largely overweight people who have spent years indulging themselves on every kind of food you could think of, no exercise, and sitting down...
Quesadilla Love

Quesadilla Love

For some reason or another we are drawn to bad foods. Is it the fact that they’re bad? Like when your parents say don’t eat sweets before tea because it’s bad so while they’re not looking we try and shove as many cookies in our mouths as we can. Well…maybe you didn’t...
A Favourite Cheap Meal

A Favourite Cheap Meal

Okay. So I’ve told you my favourite cheat meal and you may be wondering why I started with that? The reason is I believe in all bad things in moderation! I have been hearing too much lately as always about how bad carbs are for you. So now we’re all walking around...